To this day, Stephen likes to bring up my youthful obsession with orange foods. Orange-colored foods, I should say. As a latch-key kid during my elementary-school years (back when that wasn't frowned upon), I spent many a night making my own supper, and apparently, Stephen tells me, my favorite meal consisted of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, generic orange pop and Cheetos.
OK, Stephen doesn't have to tell me that. I know it's true. But I also know that despite the fact Mom bought me these foods to keep me from burning the house down, she also raised me better than to eat monocolored meals. But sometimes I just can't help myself.
This time, it just sort of happened. I had pork chops and I had cauliflower, and since I was taking all of the health out of the veggies by making Cauliflower Gratin, the only acceptable "carb" was quinoa. Of course, since we were drenching the quinoa with the heavy cream from the gratin, I think we canceled out all of its health benefits, too.

But the part of the meal I was anticipating the most was the pork chops. When Bryan and our Coug crew first moved to the neighborhood, we found one of Seattle's many gems: Olympic Pizza & Pasta (sorry, Web page doesn't seem to be working). It's a family-run Greek restaurant that has spectacular food and prices, and weekend specials that start every Thursday that are simply unbeatable.
But one of the biggest stars of the "specials" board is the pork steak, which is usually available not only for dinner, but also as a breakfast that'll put you right back to sleep by noon. And I need to learn their secret.
I can't ask, of course, but I will search high and low online until I find something that matches the tender, salty goodness that Olympic serves. Alas, this recipe I found for Greek-Seasoned Grilled Pork Chops with Lemon and Oregano did not fit the bill, but it wasn't too shabby either. It probably would have been better had I actually grilled the pork chops instead of pan-frying them, but they still were no Olympic pork chops.
Anybody know of a great Greek pork chop recipe? Better yet, do you know Olympic's secret?
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